
Saturday, May 7, 2011


1.       God – Always pray to God and don’t ever forget him. Even if you’re very successful and you have lots of money. You will never be happy. You will always feel lonely. Having God in our life will make our life easier. Based on my experience, there’re times that I forgot to put GOD
In my priorities, I always went out with my friends, play video games and crave for some foods.

2.       Smile – Smiling is the best way to live a healthy and happy life. I know that it’s difficult to smile                 especially if you are facing different problems.  It’s nice to know that people in the Philippines tends to smile most of the time even if they’re having problems and facing trials in life.

3.       Family – My family makes me smile. So if you have number 3 you won’t have a hard time doing number 2.  I’m not getting any younger. I know my parents are disappointed at me because I didn’t surpass their expectations. Especially my dad, He doesn’t want me to be gay in the first place. I always find a way to spend time with them. Most of the time we went out during wee hours. My mom usually cooks food for me whenever I go home late and my dad always buy orange juice.

4.       Pet – Pets usually makes people happy. My Dog chicco always makes me smile. Every night she plays with me by biting my hands and licking my face. HEHEHEHE! It breaks my hearts every time; we went to work because we have to leave her behind.  Dogs are very loving in nature, they are said to be man’s best friend. It feels good that after all the stressed that you’re getting from our exhausting job. A cute and huggable chicco will welcome you with a beautiful (SMILE).

[ No Picture of him because I really don't know if he wants to be out in public]

5.       Boyfriend/Girlfriend -It’s very difficult to find the right person. I stopped looking for the right guy long time ago; before I used to dream for my “Dream Guy” but then again I realized that nothing is perfect.  I’ve wanted to have a boyfriend that will always be there for me and will lend his hands whenever I face difficulties in my life. I’m so blessed that God never gave up on me.  I didn’t ask for my partner. He came by surprise.  Thank you GOD.

6.       Ipod Touch – Wow having an ipod touch in my pocket makes me feel like I’m part of the social world.  I’m a gadget lover.  Whenever I feel bore or whenever I feel sad I will just open my Ipod touch and play my favorite game which is Zombie Café.

7.       Blogs- Blogging makes me feel happy most of the time. I feel satisfied every time I share my thoughts, opinions, news and gossips. I know that I need to improve my craft in many ways. I’m not an expert when it comes to blogging but I’m eager to learn and be criticized.  Most of my friends always criticized me for being wrong grammar and mispronouncing the words.  They said that I have a (Bisaya accent). At first I’m offended but later on I manage ameliorate the weaknesses that I have.

8. Friends – I feel happy when I’m with friends. I used to have a clan named “FIASAS”.  When my best friend AJ died last November 25, 2010, I felt sad and I cried so much. It’s the first time that I lost something precious to me. AJ is like a brother to me. We share the same online character, we went to church together, we went to pubs together and we have the same major. We have one thing in common, we are both a fighter and we love God above all things. Friends are helpful to us especially if you need someone to lean on. Your life will not be complete without friends. They will mold our personality and helps us to be a better person.

9.       Taking Pictures – I think I’m narcissistic because I undoubtedly like to take pictures of myself. I don’t know why? But it feels good to see yourself, how you look like for the day and how people look at you. It feels good to be a center of attraction but there’s this one glitch. I sweat whenever people stared at me.

10.   Food – Eating your favorite food would be the thing that would happen in your life.  Have you ever experience eating food that are not delicious? Where you pissed off?  Me I smiled and throw it away. I want to eat foods that are tasted and delicious. I want to spend my money wisely.

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