
Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Mom and My Grandmother

My Mom and My Grandmother

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           I didn’t grow up with my parents. Last December 16, 1984, my mother gave birth to a healthy baby boy. That’s me (“,)…… I grow up with my grandparents. My dad visited me frequently but I really don’t know that he’s my dad. My grandmother and grandfather always say it’s my uncle. Never did I notice that we look like the same. I love my grandmother so much. I was raised at Cebu City and was born at Ozamis City. On my 6th birthday there was this huge tragedy that hit our family. My grandfather was killed by his best friend. He was shot 2 or 3 times, one on the head and 2 bullets to his heart.
         I was 6 at that time. I love my grandfather so much that I can’t accept the fact that he died in a tragic way. Since my grandmother is a housewife with no money to support us. She decided to call my parents. I was so shocked and scared at that moment because I overheard my uncles that they’re going to give me away.
       I saw my father sitting on the couch. He stared at me as if he is going to kill me or something. I’m not prepared, my jumper is not yet press and my shoes were not cleaned. My grandmother told me that I would be leaving the house for good. She gave me a beautiful piano toy. It was very beautiful that I listened to it whenever I felt sad.
      To cut the story short I went to Ozamis City with my dad. I didn’t notice that they live in countryside. I saw my mother standing at the middle of the road waving her hands and crying. I was moved and I cried so hard. I felt something different that day. I love my mom and my grandmother so much, These are the most important women’s in my life. 

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   I love Mom and I love you Lola. 

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