
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Perfect Coat Clear Choice (detangling grooming spray)

Perfect Coat  Clear Choice (detangling grooming spray)

                  I brushed chicco’s fur this morning and I feel so sorry because of  her tangled fur. I tried to brush it using a comb but it seems that she’s in deep pain.  She tried to break free from my hands and barks while I’m combing her fur. I want the best for her, I want her to have this elegant and beautiful hair but it seems that it’s too difficult to maintain it.

                 This afternoon I went to handyman and I found this “Perfect Coat” clear choice detangling grooming spray. I putting my hopes in this brand, which I think, is good.

                 I will try it after my shift. Chicco is my favorite pet and I will do the impossible for her. I need suggestion can anyone help me on chiccos fur because her urine stained on her lower parts. I am a bit worried because the stain won’t go away. I tried to clean it and I even tried to brush it.

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