
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

9 Best (and Worst!) Foods for Healthy Skin

Remember your college days when it was acceptable to gorge on Jack in the Box and jellybeans after an all-night boozefest on a Tuesday? When an acne flare up was as common as a cram session? It was the best time for your social life, and the worst time for your skin, right? (Breaking out? Eating this will help!) Even if you didn't have my (now admitted) collegiate experience, I'm sure you can relate to seeing a huge difference in the health of your skin when you're stressed and not sticking to a healthy skin diet.
 What's a healthy skin diet you ask? Good question because I had no flippin' idea until I spoke with esthetician Sinead Norenius. She told me that there are proven foods that'll wreak havoc on your skin and ones that can clear up even the worst skin problems while preventing your cells from aging prematurely. Here are some of the 9 best (and worst!) foods for healthy skin:
Best: Yogurt
Norenius says that dairy products* contain vitamin A, which "is an important factor when it comes to skin health." As long as you stick to yogurts in non- to low-fat varieties with no added sugars (and you don't go haywire with the consumption), you will be consuming lots of protein and vitamins -- all which help to enhance your immune system and as a result give you clear, vibrant skin.

*Be careful with milk consumption as it has been shown to contribute to acne and clogged pores due to its sugar content and added hormones. Drink it in moderation. Also, see the best tips for fighting acne and aging here.

Worst: White bread

Any "high glycemic foods such as pasta, white bread and cakes have recently been linked to an increase in acne according to a recent Australian study," says Norenius, so stick to whole grains. Whole wheat and oats are packed full of antioxidants and have been found to be anti-inflammatory.

Best: Blueberries

Foods rich in antioxidant properties such as blueberries, which have the most antioxidants per serving compared to other commonly consumed fruits and berries, will have a significant impact on your skin, says Norenius. "Free radicals caused by pollution and UV radiation attack skin cells and cause DNA damage," she says, and these tasty little treats are powerful ammo in the fight against the premature aging process.
See the truth about which antioxidants do what to your skin here.

Worst: Alcohol

Alright, so this isn't technically a "food," but you consume it and that's why it made this list. In short, overindulgence of booze can wreak havoc on your skin. It is "extremely dehydrating to cells within the body including your skin cells," says Norenius. It also causes "vasodilatation, which can be an aggressor for rosacea," she warns.

Best: Spinach

This dark leafy green has beta-carotene, a super-charged antioxidant that helps repair skin cells and slows down skin cancer cells. It helps give skin a youthful glow while preventing aging. It also is full of lutein, potassium, fiber and folate, which also help with DNA repair that restores skin cells damaged by the sun and helps keep them cancer-free.

Source :;_ylt=Au2eg7cj.UfBxv_G3Z6XeVVobqU5

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